Saturday, August 8, 2009

Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites do changes lives! Thanks to a friend of mine 4 years ago, I have been on Myspace and Facebook since before they were "the thing to do." I started off on Myspace and really liked it because you can customize the background and a few friends from high school were on it who I hadn't talked to for a couple years at that point. I was on Facebook too but wasn't a big fan of it then but since it has increased in popularity I find myself using it more because more people are on it that I know.
Myspace was what really changed my life though. I am not saying this like a 15 year old who totally needs it to keep up with the whatsgoingson at the cool kid's place. I say this because believe it or not I met my wonderful wife on Myspace!
It's a neat story if you ask me and well...I like it so that's what counts right?!? It was the fall of 2005 and I was still in college in Florida at the time. Back then I went to the gym regularly and played a lot of raquetball. I had a long day at school and a buddy of mine and I decided to go to the gym and work out for a bit. I was driving to the gym and very narrowly averted getting T-Boned by a car at an intersection where the other guy clearly was paying no attention. (Side note: The truck I had was the only vehicle that I ever bought brand new and before it had 2000 miles on it someone hit it. That was when I really started to realize how crappy Florida drivers are!) My friend and I had a good workout and then we parted ways, both having homework to do for the next day.
Even though I had a good workout I was still in a pretty down and depressed mood. School and everything else was going ok in my life at the time but nothing was going good. You know, just sorta hanging in there kind of time. I get home and grab a bite to eat and go in my room to go online and check my email before cracking down on the books.
While I was online, I decided to check out my Myspace account. While on there for kicks I figured I would check out the latest people who signed onto Myspace to see if I happened to know any of them. That was where I saw Teri's pretty black and white photograph (Teri is my wife's name if you haven't already realized this). I checked out her profile and saw that we actually had a lot in common. She was working with animal emergencies and at the time I was helping my parents raise a Beagle that had been abused. I sent Teri a message basically saying "hey, we have a lot in common" not doing the whole "Dude, you're like really hot!" type of stuff that most immature college guys do. Mind you, I wasn't doing this to try to hook up or anything. I was single and looking at the time but I didn't contact people online with the intention to try to date them. There are WAAAAYYYY too many wackos out there who would probably plot to kill me or something.
Teri messaged me back and we hit it off. Turns out our paths had crossed a number of times over the years but neither one of us knew it. I even had a thing for her dancing partner back in high school, worked with her sister at Office Max and worked around the corner from her one summer. She was friends with one of my ex's closest friends as well. We knew many of the same people, were a part of many of the same things but didn't know each other.
After going back and forth over email for a day or so, we started talking on instant messenger. Next thing you know we set up a date for that Saturday to have dinner and a movie. I am told that a couple of her friends told her not to do it and a couple others said to do it. I had couple similar thoughts but figured, oh what the hell, what's the worst thing that could happen?
We met up and had dinner and had a pretty good time and then went to see a very crappy scary movie that shall remain nameless. After the terrible movie I am shocked she ever wanted to see me again but she did and we have been inseperable ever since!
Although I don't use Myspace as much as I used to I still have to thank the original creators of it for putting it out there since it gave me the chance to meet Teri. I've heard some pretty bad stories about people meeting over the internet but I can stand up and say I have a great story about meeting someone on the internet! Some say things happen for a reason and in this case I'm glad it did.

1 comment:

  1. So, through Tom, you met Teri? It's a good story, brother.
